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Sekundært lymfødem

Secondary Lymphoedema is a failure of the lymphatic system because of damage to the normally functioning system.

Hvorfor er lymfesystemet vigtigt for os? Denne video tager et kort kig på lymfesystemet forklarer, hvorfor lymfesystemet kan svigte. Lymfesystemet er vigtigt, da det hjælper med at beskytte os mod infektion og sygdom. En af de mest almindelige årsager til svigt i lymfesystemet er under eller efter kræftbehandling. Sekundært lymfødem er en svigt i lymfesystemet og udvikler sig på grund af skader på et normalt fungerende system.

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Mens kræftrelateret lymfødem er en af ​​de mest almindelige årsager til svigt i lymfesystemet, kan andre årsager til svigt i lymfesystemet omfatte:

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  • Immobilitet

  • Betændelse

  • Fedme

  • Traume og skade (endda et insektbid)

  • Venøse sygdomme

  • Cellulitis

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I en ideel verden ville alle klinikere eller studerende ved medicinsk skole studere lymfesystemet i detaljer. Hver enkelt af os har brug for, at vores lymfesystem fungerer korrekt, så vores helbred og velbefindende kan opretholdes.

Not everyone who has cancer or cancer treatment will develop lymphoedema


There are several reasons why cancer related lymphoedema develops, surgery if lymph nodes are removed or a combination of surgery and radiotherapy treatment.  Treating lymph nodes or an area of the body where there are lymph nodes with radiotherapy treatment can cause damage and you may develop lymphoedema.  Radiotherapy was the reason I developed secondary lymphoedema. 


Treatment of some types of cancer are more susceptible to lymphoedema, these include:  Bladder, Breast, Cervical, Prostrate, Head & Neck, Penile, Lymphoma, Skin Cancer, Vulva and Womb.

At no stage in my cancer journey was I warned that I could develop lymphoedema.  Therefore, I want to see all cancer teams but more importantly all radiotherapists warn patients that they are at risk in developing lymphoedema through radiotherapy treatment.  I would have liked to have been given the opportunity to make an informed choice as to whether I had radiotherapy or not.



Signs and Symptons

That those of you at risk should look for

Swelling in the 'at risk' limb or body area

Even if the swelling goes down at night

 Heavy feeling or ache in the limb or area of the body

Increasing tightness of clothing or jewellery

Red hot area, rash or 'flu-like symptoms that may suggest cellulitis

Skin changes, thickening of the skin or peau d'orange changes (especially in the breast or abdominal area

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